Client Rehabilitation
… Skills for daily living

After the client’s initial recovery in hospital, if necessary, then CUMI offers a personalized daily plan of re-education into the rhythm of life.

Without this second stage of treatment with rehabilitation, the benefits of initial care through hospitalization would quickly be lost.

The Activities of Daily Living include

  • Maintenance of Personal care

  • Taking medication as instructed

  • Household chores

  • Attending clinical follow-up appointments for re-assessment

  • Skills training

Daily group activities are designed to develop

  • Good social interactive skills

  • Vocational rehabilitation

This rehabilitation is given in accordance with each person’s ability and willingness to relearn and adapt.

For clients who are homeless and active in the rehabilitation programme, the night shelter services, operated by the Open Heart Charitable Mission (Refuge of Hope) will be available to them for a limited period, whilst efforts are made to contact and reunite with family or re-settle in a community setting. 

“Mental health is not a destination but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going!”